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React bindings package for Reatom store.

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Reatom is declarative and reactive state manager, designed for both simple and complex applications. See docs.


npm i @reatom/react-v2


Terminal window
yarn add @reatom/react-v2

@reatom/react-v2 depends on and works with @reatom/core-v2 and react. You should install this packages too.

Hooks Api


If you use React 16 or 17 you should setup batch bindings for React by yourself. Just import @reatom/react-v2/react-dom-batched-updates or @reatom/react-v2/react-native-batched-updates on the top (root) of your project to make it work before any hook call.

import '@reatom/react-v2/react-dom-batched-updates'



Connects the atom to the store represented in context and returns the state of the atom from the store (or default atom state).

Basic (useAtom)

const [data] = useAtom(dataAtom)

Depended value by selector

const [propAtom] = useMemo(() => createAtom({ dataAtom }, ({ get }) => get('dataAtom')[]), [])
const [propValue] = useAtom(propAtom)



Binds action with dispatch to the store provided in the context.

Basic (useAction)

const handleUpdateData = useAction(dataAtom.update)

Prepare payload for dispatch

const handleUpdateData = useAction((value) => dataAtom.update({ id:, value }), [])

Conditional dispatch


If action creator don’t return an action dispatch not calling.

const handleUpdateData = useAction((payload) => {
if (condition) return dataAtom.update(payload)
}, [])



Step 0 - OPTIONAL. Create store.


This step is required only for SSR, when one node.js process may handle a few requests at the time.

// App
import React from 'react'
import { createStore } from '@reatom/core-v2'
import { reatomContext } from '@reatom/react-v2'
import { Form } from './components/Form'
import './App.css'
export const App = () => {
// create statefull reatomContext for atoms execution
const store = createStore()
return (
<div className="App">
<reatomContext.Provider value={store}>
<Form />

Step 1. Bind your atoms.

// components/Form
import { createPrimitiveAtom } from '@reatom/core-v2/primitives'
import { useAtom } from '@reatom/react-v2'
const nameAtom = createPrimitiveAtom('', {
onChange: (state, e) => e.currentTarget.value,
export const Form = () => {
const [name, { onChange }] = useAtom(nameAtom)
return (
<label htmlFor="name">Enter your name</label>
<input id="name" value={name} onChange={onChange} />

Step 3. You are gorgeous
